Friday, December 7, 2007

For me, the two most meaningful modules I took in this course are module 7 and 8. These two modules are about career development. It helps me aware on the function levels I preferred and also helps me know what kind of jobs fitted me. It also helps me know how I accomplish things and how I interact with people. It gives me a background about how I deal with task and the course which fitted me most.
Through the activities I have been doing in the class, I started to know about myself and also know what I wanted. There is a clear point that serves as my guide to which way I must go.
There is a slight change on me in terms of interacting with people. I started to have courage to talk to people whom I do not know first before they talk to me.
This course gives me a direction on how to live my life by letting me understand what I want.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Financial Executive(National Capital Reg - Makati City)
Responsibilities: The Financial Executive is responsible for general accounting operation.
• Prepare the payroll process of staff ensuring that their salary, overtime, allowances, statutory contributions are administered
• Prepare billing/invoices, aging receivables & collection report
• Prepare Cash Flows every month, Sales Forecast, Income Statements & Financial Ratio
• Prepare bank reconciliation
• Responsible for Financial Reports – Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Accruals & Prepayments
• Responsible for month-end closing reports; P & L Reports
• Control and analysis of assigned general ledger accounts
• Research and answer vendor, employee and department questions regarding the status of accounts and payments.
• Respond to questions from departments regarding account numbers, balances and correction of posting errors.
I would like to be a financial executive since its task is related to my course right now.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Since the dawn of the man, there has been love. It is the driving force in many people’s life, making us to do silly things and often act foolishly. Love is truly an amazing thing and by far one of the most indefinable feelings we can experience. It is an emotion that fully enflames your soul like being on an endorphin rich high. The nature of this emotion is so bewildering yet oddly exciting. However, one also has to include the risks and the dark sides. As much as love can incite poetry, build bonds between two opposing countries; it also has its dangerous after effects.
What is love? Love, according to Robert Heinlein is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Others would define love as interesting, intense, clear, logical, and meaningful. But all kinds of relationships involve emotions, ethics, and joys. All these elements, through love, it could explains how they interrelate, and why attraction is considered the most important emotional element and conventional hallmark of love, which is also not sufficient to signify a relationship as one of love, no matter how strong or how enduring that attraction may be. Love is eternal and unconditional, not something you can turn on and off as you so desire.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I believe in by accomplishing my mission statements I would be a better person.
As a daughter, I want my parents to be happy and give them all of my best.
As a sister, I would want to be a good model to my younger brother and sisters.
As a leader, I would motivate my teammates to accomplish task as easy as possible with a good result.
As a student, I would study hard to get high grades.
As a friend, I would be loyal to my friends and be willing to help and listen to their problems.
As a member of the DLSU-Manila community, I would help maintain the cleanliness of the environment.
As a citizen of the Philippines, I would always respect the flag of the Philippines and do what is good for the country.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I want to graduate in my course, if possible, with honors. I want to achieve that so that my parents would be happy and also proud of me. In order for me to achieve my goal, I will give all of my best in every task.
I am good in solving and analyzing mathematical problems. Considering that, it is a great advantage for me in taking my course. In order for me to maximize or maintain my talent, I would keep practicing and answering these kinds of problems whenever I have spare time, because there is a saying that said, practice makes perfect.
I am not good in communicating and expressing myself in front of people whom I do not know. Probably because of that, the range of my friend are not quite large. Also, maybe because of that, people often misinterpret me. To be able to overcome my weakness, I think I must try to change my attitude in front of them and try to explain to them as clear as possible.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

During this term, I would like to maintain the grades that I have gotten last term. If possible, I would want to achieve grades higher than my previous term. In order for me do that, I need to manage my time efficiently and also pay attention on the lectures given by the professors in class. I will also try to review harder and promptly if exams took place. Also, I would ask people who have known or mastered the topic to help me as well as explain to me regarding the topic which I am not familiar or can not fully understand with.

Aside from gaining higher grades this term, I would also want to know more people. To be able to do that, I would try to be more open and not to be shy so that I could communicate easily with people whom I do not know. I would also want to establish stronger relationships with my family.

These are some of the things I can think of which I want to accomplish during this term. I believe that by following these plans, I might accomplish all I want at the end of this term.